“Big News, guys.” The Nice Writer Lady gathers her
characters on the front porch, her anxious gaze darting from one pensive face
to the next. It is August, and the light has an aqueous quality to it, sun
motes floating through the lazy flip of fat green leaves. The old Sugar Inn has been home now for
several years, and they’ve all left their mark on it – Rush’s guitar leaning in
a corner, the girls’ shoes abandoned by the back screen door.
“How big?” Bob O’Neill, quintessential alpha male, leans on
the railing and folds arms across his chest, already firm in his disregard for
Nice Writer Lady’s (admittedly often dubious) proposals.
“I’ve hired an editor,” she blurts, and she can feel
astonishment in the ensuing silence – Rush’s calm stare spiking a flush in her
cheeks, Bobby’s derision making her squirm.
“But we were done!” Nicola combs fingers through her hair,
vexed. “Remember? We talked!”
“And that was a huge help.” The Nice Writer Lady placates.
“But we need to do more.”
“What?” Bobby demands.
“Your name, for one thing,” she says, and enjoys his
apoplectic expression just a bit. “The Bobby/Benny thing is just too much for a
lot of readers.”
“Are you kidding me now?” he splutters, and she regards him
through her reading glasses, silently consulting her higher self until she can
ride smoothly past his complaint.

“Reader who?” Bobby is furious, but Rush quiets him with a
dismissive hand wave before making a gimmee motion at the Writer Lady.
“Tell us more,” he says, and she is proud of him all over
“Well, take Nicola for instance,” she says. “Do you see how
she just disappeared from this conversation? She has to quit doing that.”
“Nope,” Nicola says. “Going fishing.”
“And Benny.” The Writer Lady persists. “There’s kind of been
a public outcry about her. I mean, she was supposed to be central.”
Benny is currently swimming. All eyes turn to the lake, the
slender shape cutting a path through the glittering tide. Is that Angelo with
her, or Toot?
“The Professional Editor Lady is sure the story belongs to Benny.”
The Writer Lady can’t help sighing just a little. “Oh, and you two, Rush and
Bobby – or whoever you are now – you’ve got to go to work. I mean, what do you
do all day?”
“Hang here and play guitar,” Rush said. “Sometimes sip from
a glass of Jamesons.”
“Exactly,” the Writer Lady says. “You have an exciting
career” – Bobby snorts - “You’re narcotic officers. Let’s see more of what you
“Okey-dokey.” Rush rises slowly to his feet and plants a
kiss on Nicola’s head. “We’re setting up surveillance downtown tonight. Wanna
ride along?”
“I do,” The Writer Lady is already on her feet. “But only if
this relates to Benny. And, existentially, to Nicola.”
“We’ll make it work,” Rush says after a heavy pause. “You’re
not rewriting the whole thing, are you?”
"The Professional Editor Lady" is now accepting new clients. Interested writers can contact her through her LinkedIn profile here. Bonnie is also the author of several books, which can be found here.
New to Lucy Crowe? Get to know Benny, Nicola, Bobby, and Rush in her first novel "Sugar
Man's Daughter," and join the mailing list for blog posts and updates
on Lucy's next novel,"Maypops in September"
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