Today’s blog takes us to the fictional
location of Mount Bloom Fire Station, where I’m interviewing a handful of my
central characters. It occurs to me, belatedly, that these folks often take a
backseat to my narcs, Rush and Bobby, so I’m hoping today to rectify that, and
to provide my readers with a fuller glimpse of this crew – essentially, who
they are and what they do.
memorable call?” Chief Cotton lounges in the doorway with a coffee mug cradled
in his big hand, brown curls on end and a sardonic smile quirking his lips.
“Hey guys, c’mere! The nice writer lady wants to know about our most memorable call.”
“The five
kids in the rollover.” Jess Cantwell offers in his unabashed fashion. He is the
baby of this bunch, at twenty-two, and the only guy with an earring – big gaudy
diamond in his left earlobe. His sandy hair is buzzed short, but he lets a
stripe down the middle grow to an inch and a half Mohawk.
Cotton is
frowning at him. “Ugly call,” he says briefly. “Entrapment, sleet, Life Flight
couldn’t get to us. We did what we could do.”
It takes a
moment for me to understand there will be no further embellishment, and in that
time, Cantwell has moved off to the doorway, where he lights a Marlboro and
lets the smoke drift up around his face.
“Downtown fire,” Allen Burwell
speaks into the quiet. “Coupla’ kids lit up the old Laundromat. Connected roofs
downtown, shared basements, hard wind out of the north.”
“Ten freakin’ degrees below zero,”
Cotton elaborates. “Pump froze up, street was a skating rink. Quill broke his
“We were frozen in our gear,”
Cantwell says. “Like icemen. We couldn’t unbuckle. The newspaper man took
pictures of us.” He holds his arms out
stiffly and laughs. “I frostbit two fingers.”

“My ex lived in the upstairs of the
building we took out,” Cotton chuckles. “Which pretty much put a cap on the
whole mess.”
Nic Thomas wanders in from living
quarters with a coffee and a bag of Oreos clutched to her chest. Mount
Bloom ’s only female, she is short,
and blonde and sturdy in the way of a small athlete. “What about the time me
and Jess dropped Albert Logan?”
“Criminy, Thomas, confidentiality.” Cotton pokes her with
an index finger, snatches the cookies and scowls at me. “You didn’t hear that
Nic is undaunted. “Grouchiest
patient ever,” she says around a mouthful of cream filling. “Frequent flier. He
could never talk to us, not one word. Hated the hell out of us. The wife always
called, and we’d load him up, not knowing if it was chest pain, stomach,
whatever. All the way to Sorrows, we get nothing, not a word.”
“So one day,” Cantwell picks up the
thread. “We get a call just like all the others, but when we pull the cot out
of the rig at the hospital, it gives. Just freakin’ collapses, and Albert’s on
the ground. Thumped the piss out of him.”
“He spoke!” Nic is laughing now.
“He said, ‘Ah God, you’re killing me!’ That was it. Never heard him speak
“Dead now anyhow,” Burwell says,
and his bright eyes settle on Nic for a moment.
“Her and Quill had a good call last
week,” Cotton rallies. “Big guy, full arrest. I’ll never know how they got him
into the rig, must’ve weighed four-fifty. He’s still alive. Got him in ICU, but
he’s not gone yet.”
“It was a nice save,” Burwell
acknowledges, and Nic grins.
“The little boy who fell through
the ice,” Cantwell pitches his cigarette outside, and the group grimaces as
“Jesus, enough gloom and doom,”
Cotton says. “That’s it. We gotta’ do rig checks.”
They are gone – trailing laughter
and Folgers scent behind them into the bay - while Cotton’s order is still
I love these guys.
I love these guys.
~Get to know Cotton, Cantwell, Thomas, Burwell and Quill in Lucy's first full length novel, Sugar Man's Daughter. Available at ~
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