"Once you use those quotation marks, it's not you the writer talking, it's you the writer listening."—Albert RĂos
“Okay, guys.” I’ve gathered my
characters together in a corner of my mind resembling the dining room of
Nicola’s big old inn. They’re pretending to listen to me. “The verdict’s in.
Ya’ll swear too much.”
“Y’all,” Bobby corrects me. He’s a
Tar Heel, after all; he knows.
“You always fu.... misplace that apostrophe,
darlin’,” That was purposeful. He’s grinning
at me, blue eyes laughing behind his Lennons. At least he’s listening.

“Attention please.” I clear my throat in a futile bid for the spotlight. “About the swearing. You guys drop the F bomb way too often. You take the Lord’s name. Some of my readers are upset.”
“Then they ought to jump into my
shoes for a day.” Bobby cracks a Budweiser and takes a long draught while I
refrain from comment. “I spent four hours in a dumpster last night waiting for
a bust that never happened. Came home stinking like moldy tacos and kitty
litter. Sometimes ‘gee whiz’ doesn’t cut it, see?”
“Ha.” Sophie’s smile dimples her
narrow cheeks. “Try tending bar if you want to test your tolerance levels, big
“No, the writer lady is right about
this.” Help from an unexpected quarter; Delilah speaks to the piano keys. “You’ve got kids in this house.”
“Give it up.” Rush elbows her
without missing a note. “You’re worse than the rest of us.”
“He’s in bed. And the nice writer
lady is only worried about her Amazon rank, kiddo.”
Not fair. I slink from the room,
closing the door on their argument and leaning against it to get my breath.
We’ll take this up another time. In
the meanwhile, gentle reader, try not to judge.
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